These "Terms and Conditions" (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the rights and obligations between CHVS L. Footwear (hereinafter referred to as "CHVS") and its customers purchasing items (hereafter referred to as 'Items') sold through this platform (hereafter referred to as 'Platform').

CHVS reserves the right to amend these Terms periodically. The Terms effective at the time the contract is formed, i.e., when CHVS confirms the customer’s order, shall apply.

The presentation of the Items and the pricing information on the Platform do not constitute legally binding offers but are merely invitations for the customer to make a binding offer. CHVS does not issue order acceptances but only confirms the receipt of the customer’s order. CHVS’ actual delivery constitutes its acceptance and determines the subject matter and scope of the contract between the parties, even in cases of advance payment by the customer, including instances where CHVS debits the customer’s provided credit card account.
CHVS reserves the right to decline the customer’s offer and refrain from delivering the ordered Items if they are unavailable from CHVS’ suppliers and/or manufacturers. Specifications, delivery scopes, etc., published on the platform are not legally binding. If CHVS cannot fulfill the ordered Items in accordance with the customer’s order (price and Item specifications), CHVS refunds any received advance payments to the customer.
Unless explicitly confirmed in writing by CHVS, delivery dates are only indicative and subject to change, especially in cases of manufacturer-related delivery issues. If delivery exceeds the explicitly confirmed date by CHVS, the customer may set a grace period of at least three weeks. After the grace period expires, the customer may cancel the respective order. Further claims are excluded.
CHVS reserves the right to cancel or not fulfill confirmed orders at any time. The customer acknowledges that Item prices are subject to change, and CHVS may increase prices between the order date and delivery date. In such cases, CHVS will refund the purchase price for undelivered Items. Modifications or cancellations requested by the customer are only valid if confirmed by CHVS in writing. The customer may be charged for costs already incurred by CHVS. CHVS may make partial deliveries, which the customer accepts.
No warranties are provided for technical data and delivery scope. CHVS shall not be liable for any damages arising from deviations thereof.

The customer shall pay the prices in the indicated currency effective at the time of order acceptance by CHVS. Prices on the platform include Value Added Tax for Switzerland and the EU, excluding shipping charges and (where applicable) import duties.

CHVS will charge credit or debit cards upon dispatch of the ordered Items. CHVS reserves the right to verify card payments before acceptance. Accepted payment methods are listed on the Platform.

In case of payment default, CHVS may suspend further deliveries until payment is received or secured. Delivery methods and estimated delivery times are specified on the Platform.
Each order is subject to CHVS' acceptance. CHVS may refuse or cancel any order, regardless of confirmation, without providing reasons and with no liability to the customer or any third party. If a confirmed order is later canceled, CHVS will refund any payments made.

CHVS will dispatch Items only upon full payment receipt. The title to the Items passes to the customer upon dispatch.

The warranty period applies to footwear less than one year old from the dispatch date. CHVS' warranty program does not cover defects due to improper fit, normal wear and tear, misuse, product alteration, or negligence. Warranty claims are evaluated case by case, and approved cases qualify for a replacement pair free of charge. All other warranty claims are excluded.

CHVS shall only be liable for direct damages if the customer proves gross negligence or unlawful intent by CHVS, its agents, or instructed third parties. CHVS’ liability is limited to the purchase prices of the relevant delivery/service.
Further liability for damages of any kind is excluded. Customers cannot claim compensation for damages not caused to the Item itself, such as loss of production, use, orders, profits, or any other indirect or consequential damage.

The contractual relations covered by these Terms between CHVS and customers shall be governed by Swiss law, excluding international treaties, including the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of April 11, 1980 (the Vienna Convention). The jurisdiction for conflicts arising from the contractual relationship between the parties shall be Zurich, Switzerland. Alternatively, CHVS may sue the customer at their domicile's general court of jurisdiction.

CHVS complies with all data protection laws and will use customer data as outlined in the Privacy Statement.

If any provision of these Terms is void, the rest of the contract remains in effect. Relevant law applies in place of the void provision.


These "Terms of Service" (referred to as "TOS") govern the rights and obligations between CHVS L. Footwear (hereafter referred to as "CHVS") and its customers purchasing products (hereafter referred to as "Products") available on this website (referred to as "Site").
CHVS reserves the right to update these TOS periodically. The TOS in effect at the time of contract conclusion, i.e., when CHVS confirms the customer's order, shall apply.

Product displays and price indications on the Site are not legally binding offers but invitations for customers to submit binding offers.
CHVS confirms the entry of the customer's order but does not issue order acceptances. CHVS's actual delivery constitutes acceptance and defines the contract's subject matter and extent between the parties, even in cases of customer advance payment (e.g., when CHVS debits the customer's credit card account). CHVS reserves the right to decline customer offers and not deliver ordered Products if unavailable from CHVS's suppliers or manufacturers. Publication of specifications on the webshop is not legally binding. If CHVS cannot deliver ordered Products as per the customer's order, CHVS refunds receive advance payments. Delivery dates, unless explicitly stated otherwise by CHVS in writing, are non-binding reference points. The customer may set a grace period of at least three weeks for delayed deliveries. After this period, the customer may withdraw from the order. Claims beyond this are excluded. CHVS may cancel or not carry out confirmed orders at any time. Customers acknowledge possible price changes between order and delivery dates, in which case they may refuse delivery and receive a refund.
Changes or cancellations requested by the customer are valid only if confirmed by CHVS in writing. Costs incurred by CHVS may be charged to the customer.

CHVS may make partial deliveries, and the customer agrees to accept them.
No warranty is provided for technical data or delivery scope. CHVS is not liable for damage due to deviations.

Prices are in the indicated currency at the time of order acceptance by CHVS. Prices on the webshop include VAT for Switzerland and the EU, excluding shipping and import duties where applicable.

CHVS charges credit or debit cards upon product dispatch. CHVS may verify card payments before acceptance. Accepted payment methods are listed on the Site.
In case of payment default, CHVS may suspend further deliveries until payment is received or secured. Delivery methods and times vary by country, as indicated on the Site. CHVS reserves the right to refuse or cancel any Order without liability, including confirmed Orders for which credit cards have been charged. In case of cancellation, CHVS will issue a refund.

Products are dispatched only after full payment. The title passes to the customer upon dispatch.

Warranty applies to footwear less than one year old from dispatch date. It does not cover improper fit, normal wear and tear, misuse, alteration, or negligence. Warranty claims are evaluated case by case, with approved cases qualifying for a replacement pair free of charge. All other warranty claims are excluded.

CHVS is liable for direct damages only if the customer proves gross negligence or unlawful intent. CHVS' liability is limited to the purchase prices of the affected delivery/service. Further liability, including indirect or consequential damages, is excluded.

Swiss law governs contractual relations between CHVS and consumers, excluding international treaties. The jurisdiction for disputes is Zurich, Switzerland. CHVS may alternatively sue the customer at their domicile's general court.

CHVS adheres to data protection laws and uses customer data only as outlined in the Privacy Statement.



Fabrikstrasse 34
8005, Zurich Switzerland